Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

If the dentist keeps their case log updated, it will take 2 weeks. If any information is missing or the impression is not taken correctly, the dentist will be notified, and this could cause delays.

Take a step back and wear the aligner from the previous stage for a few more days until it no longer feels tight. We recommend using chewies (bite sticks), especially in areas where the aligner feels tight or doesn’t fit well. Check if all attachments are still in place and not worn out. If the previous aligner also doesn’t fit, try earlier aligners until you find one that fits. If needed, a new scan/impression can be taken, and additional charges may apply depending on the package (or if a ReTrack is possible). Sometimes, additional 0.1 mm IPR may be necessary if the initial IPR wasn’t sufficient.

Attachments help make tooth movement more predictable. If one comes loose, it is not necessary to schedule an immediate repair appointment unless the schedule allows. It can be addressed at the next regular check-up.

It is normal for a tooth to feel mobile during orthodontic treatment as bone remodeling occurs to allow the teeth to move into the desired position. If a tooth becomes excessively mobile, it is wise to investigate the cause and possibly take an X-ray.

No, with our iDesign treatment plan, we can make retainers based on the final result if the last aligner fits perfectly. This should be noted in the comments when ordering. If preferred or if the last aligner doesn’t fit perfectly, the dentist can submit a new scan/impression to make the retainers. It is recommended to do this 1.5 months after retention.

It is the patient’s responsibility to wear the retention devices. If a patient already knows they won’t wear them, the chance of relapse is significantly higher. Therefore, we highly recommend wearing them. If the patient chooses not to wear them, the warranty will be void if relapse occurs. This is also detailed in the ‘Informed Consent,’ which should be reviewed and signed by the patient beforehand.

Once this is noted in the Case Log, the production lab sends the aligners to us. We then process and ship them to the customer. This will take a maximum of 5 working days before they arrive at the dentist.

You can find this on our webpage:
It is also possible to request materials from your local team. Marketing materials may vary from country to country.

Treatment Issues

There can be several causes. It is advisable for the dentist to:

– Fit the aligner in the mouth and ensure it fits well on all teeth without gaps.

– Use chewies to ensure the aligner fits properly.

– Check if the IPR was done according to the plan.

– Verify the attachments are in place and reapply if necessary.

– Apply an additional 0.1 mm IPR if there is heavy interproximal contact.

– If issues persist, send us a photo via the Clinical Support Form.

In cases of crowding, creating space is necessary before aligning the teeth. It is normal for diastemas to form. Always check the simulation for diastemas and ensure there are no large gaps between the teeth and the aligners.

The dentist can check the price list based on the package (number of phases).

A CC-retainer is a steel wire placed behind the front teeth to maintain their position post-treatment. It is bonded to each tooth with composite material.

See the video.

Elastics should be changed 2 or 3 times a day, typically with big meals.

No, we only provide the aligners with pre-made cutouts/pre-pressed buttons. You can order the buttons and/or elastics from this link.

Yes, you can submit a ReTrack and request cutouts in the aligners. Additional charges may apply based on the treatment option and whether or not you have exhausted your available ReTracks.

If aligners do not fit well, check if IPR was applied, if attachments are still in place or not worn out. Have the patient use chewies and wear the aligners for a few extra days instead of progressing to the next set. Continuing to progress may worsen complications, necessitating backtracking or a new scan for refinement.

As mentioned in Module 4 of the Academy, it is crucial to clearly fill out the Questionnaire when creating a case, specifying the patient’s and dentist’s requirements. This step is often overlooked. For example, specify a desired overbite of 2mm or whether to improve or maintain occlusion. Review the modules for tips on what to include in the Questionnaires.

First, watch the onboarding video and complete all modules in the E-Learning and contact us with any questions the assistant may still have. A free account can be created at

Product Information

TrioClear™ is a Progressive Clear Aligner System. From SOFT to HARD,
the varying levels of thickness from 0.5mm to 0.7mm shifts the teeth
comfortably and help each patient achieve their desired smiles.

Each of our aligners is marked with a specific code that indicates your case ID
and the stages of your treatment. For example, 12345U08H. The first section
of the code is your case ID, with a letter U (upper arch) or L (lower arch). The
second part is the current cycle number with a letter of S (Soft aligner) or H
(Hard aligner).

It is normal for teeth to feel pressure during the first stages. This
means that the aligners are starting to move the teeth. The feeling should
disappear gradually in a couple of days. If this is not the case, the patent should  contact the doctor.

In the first few days patient may speak with a slight lisp, which will go away after
several days as the tongue adjusts to the aligners.

Patient may gently brush the aligners with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm
water or mild soap. Please remember them not to use toothpaste or denture
cleanser or other chemical solvents such as bleach or rubbing alcohol to
clean the aligners.

Patient must avoid placing the aligners in places of high temperature and
humidity, and keep the aligners out of reach of children and pets.

Clear aligners and other such appliances naturally pick up a lot of oral
bacteria, and sterilization is needed before disposal. In order to dispose the
appliances properly, you may check the local Waste Disposal Ordinance since
waste management vary in different countries.

The pricing for the treatment option for the case you are submitting are provided once you review and approve the treatment setup for the case. 

You don’t have to worry about it. Just submit the case, and we’ll show you how many steps it should take to reach your goals on the treatment setup.

With education and experience, you’ll get a better feel for how long different types of movement might take. 

If you need to keep treatment within a certain duration, due to time or cost constraints, write this down in the comment box of the questionnaire when submitting your case, and consider limiting your goals to minor anterior movements.

Got your own Question? Here are some options:

Fill in the form

When you have any question after reading this website you can fill in below form and send the question to us. We will response within two working days latest.

Make an appointment

When you have questions and you want to talk to one of our TrioClear specialist, please click on below button. You can immediately schedule an appointment.

Learn more about the protocols

Find out more about the  protocols which are designed to guide orthodontic treatment with TrioClear™ aligners. Whether you are an experienced practitioner or undergoing orthodontic treatment for the first time, these protocols provide practical instructions for each stage of the treatment process.

Watch the E-learnings

Expand your knowledge of aligner therapy with our comprehensive e-learning, consisting of 6 interesting modules and a final exam. After successful completion of the e-learning modules and a positive evaluation, you will receive a certificate demonstrating your knowledge of orthodontic practices and TrioClear™ treatments.

One More Question?

When you have more questions, you can fill in the below form to send the question to our support department. Do you prefer to talk with one of our TrioClear™ specialists? You can make an appointment right away by clicking on the  link below.

Make your patients smile