TrioClear™ Clear Aligner System – made for modern dentists

When and why should a dentist offer a patient aligner? Our answer is very clear. Every time you are faced with one of these indications: pre-restorative cases and functional or aesthetic improvements. TrioClear™ and our Align-Restore philosophy offers you an easy to use solution for dentist and patient. Where you can do this by minimizing invasiveness, improving esthetics and optimizing tooth function.

With our extensive expertise and focus on minimally invasive treatments, outstanding esthetics, and predictable outcomes, we are committed to ensuring that high-quality digital dentistry remains accessible and affordable for a broad patient base. In addition to our stated goal of providing high-quality digital dentistry, we place sustainability and the careful use of resources on a high level.

Almost half of all restorative and comprehensive cases have the potential for significantly improved results if they are treated with TrioClear™ aligner beforehand.


Dr. Ruud Sips

Dentist for implantology and orthodontics

In the majority of cases, TrioClear™ aligners are effective in improving functionality by properly aligning teeth to address issues related to cleaning, occlusion.


Mauad Massali

Senior orthodontic assistant

Three out of four patients have the potential to improve their smile. TrioClear™ aligners offer a simple and effective solution for patients who want to enhance their smile, especially as the desire for a beautiful smile continues to grow. 

Dr. Marie-Pierre


Aligner treatments offer much more than just an aesthetic solution. They can also play a crucial role in your patients’ overall dental health and can be an essential step in your comprehensive restoration plan.

Indications for aligner treatment:

Treat malocclusions
Aesthetic reason
Periodontal indications
Functional treatment
Pre-restorative alignement

Think of aligners for the following treatments:

Aesthetic | Periodontal Function | Pre-restorative

Make your patients smile